The New Wave of Sales Enablement Strategies

The epidemic in 2020 definitely surpassed our learnings. While crawling across countries, COVID-19 rocked economies, stalled growth, and touched practically every facet of life.

The present market necessitates a whole new perspective, according to crucial sales enablement lessons acquired by businesses globally. A reactive and agile sales strategy is required to avoid the trillion-dollar economic disaster and to ride out the shockwave.

Going Digital!

The pandemic pushed sales plans for 2020 to the side, and businesses are now seeing going digital as a requirement rather than an option. Sales conversions from physical places to digital platforms have shifted throughout this time period. Mobile marketing, website marketing, and other forms of digital marketing are now used more frequently.

In fact, the harsh reality is that enterprises should not be fearful of adopting and executing digital or technology-led sales in 2021 if they wish to continue growing. Systems, processes, and content are undoubtedly required to move toward a customer-centric digital approach.

Furthermore, in this era of social alienation, content has emerged as the most effective sales weapon. As a result, in order to thrive with modern-day b2b marketing, businesses must break free from traditional content approaches.

This is crucial in bringing businesses into the digital landscape, where different scenarios, omnichannel orientation, and data collection must all be planned for. Therefore, in order to reach their target demographic, B2B sales businesses must spin their messages with a laser-focused customization strategy.

Sales Analytics with Artificial Intelligence:

We’ve seen some clever businesses employ AI and analytics. However, in our new normal, these technologies have emerged as a necessary business capability rather than a nice-to-have feature. AI and analytics are now seen as a requirement for having productive and compassionate sales dialogues.

Today, AI leads messaging strategies and assists businesses in gaining momentum, whilst opening the door to cross-selling opportunities. The ability to link sales teams with optimal accounts and execute full-circle sales processes with dynamic demand creation experiences has proven to be a competitive advantage for businesses.

Leveraging Intelligent DB as a Customer Acquisition Tool:

Enterprises with sophisticated database management systems are now able to close customer connection gaps quicker. This is because sales analytics, in combination with IDBMS and machine learning, has enabled better and faster customer acquisition and the execution gap between ABM Programs and conversions has been bridged by NexGen sales intelligence.

Rather than being viewed as a raw material, the intelligent database is viewed as a differentiator. To boost their outreach initiatives and increase conversion, businesses have pivoted around cleaner databases. This region has in actuality witnessed investments and possibilities across all organizational segments in 2021. Data, as a necessary requirement for survival, evidently assists sales businesses in achieving the following goals:

  • To find the next new consumer by using intelligent, contactable data.
  • Defining ideal customer profiles and then acquiring them (ICP). 
  • Using a database with look-alike profiles, post analyzing it to improve conversion rates.

Virtual Audits and Sales:

Virtual auditing and sales are not new concepts; they have been around for a long time. When it roiled traditional supply chains and slapped merchants in the back, Covid-19 just served as a force multiplier. Most retailers realized that shoppers are no longer willing to wait for laggard brands, therefore they modernized their stores in just six months.

Smart retailers and many OEM manufacturers retaliated by implementing virtual sales and audit platforms. In fact, virtual audit and sales platforms could become a key area of investment for Retail, B2C, and specialized B2B firms in the coming years, depending on the level of disruption caused by the pandemic.

Virtual platforms are increasingly being used to guide employees and train the workforce on new processes. With last-mile connection and technological integration, labor-intensive retail audit activities can now all be virtualized. In today’s pandemic-affected world, smart retailers are able to streamline their supply chains and make better use of their space, resulting in significant financial gains.

In order to align your buying and selling process, working alongside buyers throughout the buying process can help you develop trust and build stronger, longer-lasting relationships with your clients. You can only become a successful salesperson when you become an expert in your customers’ businesses, function as problem-solver and think more about your customers’ needs and challenges throughout the buying process. This would create a sales organization truly focused on the customer and retain better growth results.